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Increasing Personal and Professional Effectiveness with Energy Leadership
Dave Friedman, Coach Dave 4 You
* Have you ever been turned off by a lack of direction, bad communication, apathetic attitudes, and low energy that leads to underperforming teams?
* Did you know, many people who find themselves in leadership positions, don't know how to be effective leaders? MORE >Inspirational and eye-opening, Coach Dave shows Energy Leadership positively affects the lives of the participants.Learning Points
Ø Understand how different levels of energy impact teamwork.
Ø Use Energy Leadership for better understanding & better communication Ø Positively affect every situation you’re part of at work, home, and playThis talk is ideal for business professionals and leaders of all types who want to increase their impact in the workplace and the world in a way that feels aligned with their core values.
The Power of Your Mind
Shara Prophet, C. Ht., The Mind Magic Coach, Open Door Hypnosis
The subconscious mind rules about 90% of our total mind power and is the driving force behind our unconscious automatic behaviors and what we create in the world around us. What behaviors, beliefs, and thoughts would you like to change? This workshop teaches us how the mind and Law of Attraction works, for real. MORE >
Understanding how to harness the power of our subconscious mind increases our ability to make long term and permanent positive life changes. Using the creative visualization in a guided meditation, we will tap into powerful positive states for optimal health, clarity, and overall wellbeing. -
Loving Your Whole Self: Three Distinctions between Self-Care and Self-Love.
Donna Bond, M.A., Transformation Consultant, Professional Life and Business Coach, Consciousness Rising, Inc.
Raise your awareness around ways we can truly honor, respect and revere our whole self so our whole cup can be full, thus inviting your whole self to show up fully for your life. Self-Love doesn’t mean going to the spa for the day. And self-care isn’t something you can just do on the weekends expecting to restore your whole self so you can launch back into burn out on Monday morning.